Expert in List Building Made a Quantum jump in His Income

Released on: September 5, 2008, 12:32 am

Press Release Author: HARMINDER KAUR NAGI

Industry: Management

Press Release Summary: Tellman Knudson has created a multi-million Internet business
teaching others how to build a highly receptive email opt-in list and a key
component to his success is teleseminars. For a time though, Knudson\'s was mainly
successful in starting businesses. Over an eight year period he started no less than
eight businesses

Press Release Body: Tellman Knudson has created a multi-million Internet business
teaching others how to build a highly receptive email opt-in list and a key
component to his success is teleseminars. For a time though, Knudson\'s was mainly
successful in starting businesses. Over an eight year period he started no less than
eight businesses all of which, in his own words, \"failed sadly\". However, this did
not deter him.

One of his handicaps is that he is suffers from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).
Knudson describes himself as being highly creative and having loads of weird ideas.
At the same time, he finds it difficult to focus on one thing. In the past, he
always wanted to do his own thing and this almost led to financial wreck.

He attained a measure of success with hypnotherapy. He describes himself as a
\"incredible hypnotherapist\" and built a business that saw him working with 12-14
clients a day, six days a week for one to one and half hours at $75 per hour.
However, he was exchanging his time for money and there are only so many hours in a
day. Ironically, even although on one level this business was thriving, he was still
stressed to pay his rent and was $100,000 in debt.

Knudson knew he had to make some radical changes to the manner in which he conducted
business and turned to Internet Marketing. He also decided to focus on list building
because he noticed that this topic was a returning theme in much of the marketing
material that he was receiving.

Bob Proctor says that if your goals do not excite you as well as scare you then you
haven\'t set yourself a goal that is worthy of you. Knudson had no problem with this.
He set himself the audacious goal of getting one million subscribers in six months
or less. He felt this goal would excite his subscribers as well as get the attention
of a few JV (Joint Venture) partners.

He identified a list of potential JV partners and offered them a proposal. The first
scenario were not as established as those he would later approach and they just
laughed at him and told him that it couldn\'t be done. Who could blame them? Knudson
wasn\'t exactly approaching this challenge from a position of strength. Knudson had
no product plus he:

1. Didn\'t know how to put up web page,
2. Didn\'t know how to edit audio,
3. Didn\'t know how to write copy,
4. Had never done a teleseminar, and
5. Didn\'t understand the concept of a squeeze page.

He confess that hearing repeated refusals started to make him feel down but he

He was turned down 63 times before he received his first yes. When heavyweights such
as Joe Vitale and Jay Abraham agreed to come on board others followed suit. It is
ironic that those who agreed to support him were more accomplished Internet
Marketers than those who originally rejected him. Perhaps they had greater vision
than the initial naysayers or may be the long string of rejections enabled Knudson
to refine his pitch. No matter, he was up and running.

However, it certainly wasn\'t plain sailing. He persuaded seven other individuals to
work with him on a percentage basis and work they did. They were putting in 30-50
hour weeks and bringing in about $10,000 per month of which 70% went to Knudson\'s
partners and the remainder was ploughed back into the business to pay for systems
such as Instant Audio, Ask Database and further education, all of which helped the
business to run more efficiently.

A major turning point came when Knudson took Alex Mandossian\'s Teleseminar Secrets
mentoring program. Halfway through the program he made $38,000 just by following
through on all of the action points.

Going through one training program at a time, very, very thoroughly and implementing
every single technique, every single tactic, every single thing that you had to

This is a significant success factor. Many people attend training programs but do
not follow through. They often blame the program rather than their lack of action
for their failure to get results. Then, within one month Knudson\'s income made a
quantum leap from $10,000 to $100,000. In his first year, after doing Teleseminar
Secrets, he made $800,000 in sales and from the same size list. Yet for the first
eight months he made next to nothing - a measly $10,000 per month.

An interesting footnote to this case study is that Tell man Knudson didn\'t achieve
his target of one million subscribers but do you think he cares? He is now a highly
respected Internet Marketer known for his proficiency in list building. His business
turns over seven figures annually something which he attributes to the power of

and Tell man Knudson has achieved the best of both worlds.

Web Site:

Contact Details: 3453,street-2,bahadur nagar,
Sultan Wind Road,

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